“It’s not what you look at what matters, it’s what you see” - Henry David Thoreau.

In fact, how you change the way you look at things is also important.
In this post I share some thoughts on why changing perspective can improve your wellbeing and decision-making, as well as illustrating some of the ways you can do this.
Getting comfortable with having multiple perspectives at the same time isn’t always easy. We are hard wired to respond to challenging situations in a particular way and it takes a set of tools and techniques (and a bit of practice and maybe even support) to develop the ability to shift perspective actively. It can be even tougher to see the merits of each of the perspectives you develop, especially if they are diverse and seem to have possible inherent contradictions.
Regardless, there is compelling evidence that our own wellbeing and the way we see the world are inextricably linked to our perspective. Developing your ability to ‘see things differently’ will certainly have benefits in terms of you making more of the right kind of decisions for you. In a world where choices and our ability to control events seemed to have shifted quite noticeably over the last 9 months or so – perhaps the one thing we can really take charge of is how we see things
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