Your Questions Answered
What is coaching?
Coaching involves a series of in-depth conversations. The coach will ask powerful questions to unpack a topic / issue that you bring to the discussion. This will help bring you greater clarity and understanding. The focus is on you, what you want to discuss and what you want to achieve. It’s not a ‘chat’!
As a coach I will listen to you, really listen…. Not just to what you say, but also the way you say it. This helps me to help you recognise any limiting belief that may be holding you back, as well as inner resources that you have that can help move you forward. Coaching will help you view things differently; it can help you change your perspective. We can’t always change our situation, but we can change our how we see it. This can unlock your creativity so that you see more choices and take more control of the options you identify.
How does it work?
We’ll do a ‘chemistry call’ or ‘taster session’ which will determine if we both feel we can work together, and so you can decide if you think this is for you. If we agree to take this forward, we’ll then do what’s called a Discovery session, where you get the opportunity to reflect on what’s important to you, and what you might want to achieve going forward. From there, through our coaching conversations, I’ll introduce you to a mental toolkit of resources that help you have a deeper understanding of what is holding you back and the fantastic creativity you possess. This is an investment in you and you’ll get to continue to make use of the toolkit after we’ve completed our coaching partnership.
If the chemistry call indicates that we might not take things forward, I am happy to introduce you to other coaching professionals that you might find you can work with. My purpose is that you find someone you can work with so that the process serves you well.
What Kind of Coaching do you do?
I coach a person, so not just ‘career coaching’, or ‘relationship coaching’…. I coach you!
I am a fully trained Co-Active Coach. I’ve been through one of the most established and highly recognised training programmes which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Co-Active coaching training is widely recognised as the ‘gold standard’ in the industry as the largest and most established in-person professional coaching training organisation in the world. CTI has c65,000 coaches in more that a third of the Fortune 100 companies.
What are your fees?
It depends on the ‘package’ that works best for you. Typically, a coaching partnership lasts for about 6 months (it can be 3 or nearer 9), but it depends on what will serve you best. We’ll start with what you need and take it from there.

.... and some other questions
Do you coach in person?
Not that often…. Most of the time people are very busy and travelling takes up valuable time. So, many of my coaching sessions are video calls via Skype or Zoom, or sometimes calls without the video
Who do you work with?
Mostly I work with people who are self-aware enough to know that something needs to change and are looking for someone with the right kind of experience, skills and approach to help. Sometimes its leaders in organisations, sometimes its people who run their own business, it can be anyone from any walk of life.
How do I book a session?
Please fill in an Enquiry Form from the 'Get in Touch' button. I will then email you to take things forward.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, get in touch and I will find out for you.